It was a beautiful summer morning, and we set off for a quick hike along the river.
After we put together a "Punch List" of tasks to figure out what we would build and how, we got into small groups and started making the walls and wheel axle for "The Clubhouse."
A quick bike ride to the thimble berry patch!
We bid goodbye to Dustin, but found a way to take him with us on our final excursion.......
Thank you for all your smiles, warmth and tinkering wisdom Dustin!
By day two, everyone has taken a jump off of the rope swing.....
We have a floor, a frame, and a source of power for our chariot. Tomorrow comes the challenge of attaching our wheels and axle...we still need to tar patch one of our tires? a roof? There is talk of framing out the door first thing tomorrow morning.
One thing is for sure, we have settled on the fact that we will cook our Thursday's lunch over a grill fashioned from the case of a duct fan and a metal lampshade!!!