We gathered round and played a game with bowling balls to get to know each other’s names.
What is this Warehouse all about? We took a little tour of the buildings, wood chip piles and other aspects of this location.
Hiked up to ROTC Rock to explore and learn more about the week ahead.
Where’s the bike taxi?
How does this piano work? When a key is pressed, how does that thing move?
Yeah, I got it!
Crafting safe workshop agreements……..
Builders made tool caddies to get comfortable with drills, drivers and handsaws.
Although I said we wouldn’t swim today……the weather warmed up, the sun came out, and how could we resist?
After our swim, the project idea of making a ball run was revealed and builders started to draw their ideas.
Prototyping ensued…..
Testing ideas for ways to elevate the ball.
One builder explaining their thinking to another builder.
Gathering materials to get a jump start on building tomorrow morning!